Update as of 16.08.21
At Heavenly Creatures we strive to provide quality services to the community.
In light of the ongoing COVID-19 health crisis and social distancing measures currently in place we have felt compelled to make decisions that put the safety of our staff, the general public and their families first.
At present and while following the NSW Government and NSW Department of Health advice our cremation facility will remain OPEN and will continue to collect your beloved pets from Veterinary Practices and homes until directives are received to suggest otherwise. Our staff are aware of their responsibilities in maintaining good hygiene practices and we have put a number of practices in place to minimise the likelihood of infection and the impact on our business.
Unfortunately our Viewing Room is CLOSED at this time to follow NSW Health guidelines.
Should any additional measures be necessary we will keep you updated.
We thank you for your understanding and support during these difficult times.
Update as of 28.06.21
At Heavenly Creatures we strive to provide quality services to the community.
In light of the ongoing COVID-19 health crisis and social distancing measures currently in place we have felt compelled to make decisions that put the safety of our staff, the general public and their families first.
At present and while following the NSW Government and NSW Department of Health advice our cremation facility will remain OPEN and will continue to collect your beloved pets from Veterinary Practices and homes until directives are received to suggest otherwise. Our staff are aware of their responsibilities in maintaining good hygiene practices and we have put a number of practices in place to minimise the likelihood of infection and the impact on our business.
Our Viewing Room is OPEN but is limited to 2 people at any one time to follow NSW Health guidelines.
Should any additional measures be necessary we will keep you updated.
We thank you for your understanding and support during these difficult times.
Update as of 20.04.21
At Heavenly Creatures we strive to provide quality services to the community.
In light of the ongoing COVID-19 health crisis and social distancing measures currently in place we have felt compelled to make decisions that put the safety of our staff, the general public and their families first.
At present and while following the NSW Government and NSW Department of Health advice our cremation facility will remain OPEN and will continue to collect your beloved pets from Veterinary Practices and homes until directives are received to suggest otherwise. Our staff are aware of their responsibilities in maintaining good hygiene practices and we have put a number of practices in place to minimise the likelihood of infection and the impact on our business.
Our Viewing Room is now OPEN again but is limited to 6 people at any one time to follow NSW Health guidelines.
Should any additional measures be necessary we will keep you updated.
We thank you for your understanding and support during these difficult times.
Update as of 29.10.20
At Heavenly Creatures we strive to provide quality services to the community.
In light of the ongoing COVID-19 health crisis and social distancing measures currently in place we have felt compelled to make decisions that put the safety of our staff, the general public and their families first.
At present and while following the NSW Government and NSW Department of Health advice our cremation facility will remain OPEN and will continue to collect your beloved pets from Veterinary Practices and homes until directives are received to suggest otherwise. Our staff are aware of their responsibilities in maintaining good hygiene practices and we have put a number of practices in place to minimise the likelihood of infection and the impact on our business.
Our Viewing Room is now OPEN again but is limited to 2 people at any one time to follow NSW Health guidelines.
Should any additional measures be necessary we will keep you updated.
We thank you for your understanding and support during these difficult times.
Update as of 23.03.2020
At Heavenly Creatures we strive to provide quality services to the community.
In light of the ongoing COVID-19 health crisis and social distancing measures currently in place we have felt compelled to make decisions that put the safety of our staff, the general public and their families first.
At present and while following the NSW Government and NSW Department of Health advice our cremation facility will remain OPEN and will continue to collect your beloved pets from Veterinary Practices and homes until directives are received to suggest otherwise. Our staff are aware of their responsibilities in maintaining good hygiene practices and we have put a number of practices in place to minimise the likelihood of infection and the impact on our business.
We have made the difficult but necessary decision though to cease all viewings and close our facility to the general public until further notice to follow Social Distancing advice and to protect the safety of all of those around us.
Should any additional measures be necessary we will keep you updated.
We thank you for your understanding and support during these difficult times.
More Information on Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
For the latest advice, information and resources, go to www.health.gov.au
Call the National Coronavirus Help Line on 1800 020 080. It operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you require translating or interpreting services, call 131 450.
The phone number of your state or territory public health agency is available at www.health.gov.au/state-territory-contacts
If you have concerns about your health, speak to your doctor.